The Board of Directors of the Travis Foundation is comprised of volunteers from our school community who each serve a 2-year term. A Foundation donor of $50 or more is eligible to apply.

The Board meets once per month to review grant applications and to provide strategic planning for fund-raising and community building events.  Individually, the members contribute by serving as officers and committee participants, as well as providing leadership and expertise based on their abilities, backgrounds, and current interests.

Membership applications to the Foundation are considered in the spring, and announced on social media and Parent Square. The application form will be available in the spring.

Since its founding, the Travis Foundation has provided support to the Travis community through teacher development, student enrichment and community building events for parents. Our most recent efforts are to “re-spark” our outdoor learning areas. We are so excited about the many opportunities to build on this work in the coming years. We hope that you will consider taking an active role in growing our organization.

Questions about the Board or the application process? Please contact us here.