2023 Investments

In 2023-2024, the Travis Foundation remained committed to its mission by continuing to fund teacher development, grant requests, and learning opportunities. The board also applied for a grant through the Garden Club of Houston, which was selected for funding to be used for improvements and repairs in the Travis garden. The Travis Foundation’s investments this school year included:

  • A beautiful, new playground structure in collaboration with the SPARK Foundation, accessible to the public

  • Travis community garden cistern to collect and store rainwater for the purpose of watering the garden beds that grow fruits and vegetables, as well as the wildflowers and small trees

  • “Project Zero Classroom” professional conference at Harvard University

  • “Building Thinking Classrooms” professional math conference in Phoenix, AZ, with founder Peter Liljedahl

  • Nugget couches for improved, more comfortable seating in the library

  • Nugget couches and rugs for grades K-2

  • Funding for one full-time teaching assistant

  • Books and access to online materials for Handwriting without Tears Program for all 2nd graders

  • Writers in the Schools (WITS) Program for grades 3-5

  • DaCamera Music Encounters for grades 1-2

  • Travis Art Show equipment and supplies for all grade levels

2022 Investments

In 2022-2023, the Travis Foundation continued to support teacher development activities, as well as our outdoor spaces. Board members also applied for a grant through the Whole Kids Foundation, which was selected for funding and supported the installation of water taps for the garden sink and a multicultural garden. Examples of investments in this school year that were supported by the Foundation, including teacher grant requests:

  • Staff development workshop providing teachers with evidence-based tools and activities to help close learning gaps

  • Staffing support to ensure our students have access to resources that are not provided by the HISD budget allocated to Travis

  • Playground maintenance, mulch, and mowing, installation of sprinklers in the Travis Garden

  • Plumbing repairs for 7 broken bathroom toilets and five broken sink faucets, plus outdoor hose bib and faucet repairs

  • Charging carts for chromebooks

  • Wheelchair-accessible concrete flooring and stainless steel shelving for the outdoor kitchen

  • Class overnight trip to Forest Glen for the 5th grade

  • Books and access to online materials for Handwriting without Tears Program for all 2nd graders

  • Writers in the Schools (WITS) Program for all grade levels

  • DeCamera Music Encounters for all grade levels

  • Hugelkultur tree root rehabilitation project on the track and playground

2021 Investments

In 2021-2022, the Travis Foundation maintained ongoing investments such as teacher and staff professional development, and provided new features for our outdoor learning spaces.  While separate entities, the Travis Foundation and PTA share a common mission, enriching student education and experiences at Travis Elementary School.  The Travis Foundation and PTA co-hosted the school’s Fun Run to support school and PTA priorities including campouts, field trips, the garden, and replenishing the school’s general activities fund. Investments in this school year supported by the Foundation include:

  • Air purifiers for common spaces

  • Staff development workshop providing teachers with evidence-based tools and activities that help close learning gaps.

  • Funds for staff to ensure our students have access to resources that are not provided by the budget allocated to Travis by HISD.

  • Playground maintenance and mowing

  • New chilled water fountain and bottle filler for Spark Park

  • Handwriting without Tears Program for all 2nd graders

  • Writers in the Schools (WITS) Program for all grade levels

  • DeCamera Music Encounters for all grade levels

  • Hugelkultur tree root rehab project on the track and playground

2020 Investments

In 2020, the Travis Community made some adjustments to refocus the mission and goals of Travis Foundation and the Travis PTA to fundraising and volunteerism respectively. With this, the Travis Foundation has committed to be the funding arm for the investments that have historically been supported by the Travis PTA. During this time, the Travis Foundation also needed to respond to the needs brought upon by the world of virtual learning. In total during fiscal year 2020, the Travis Foundation was able to invest more than $90,000 in Travis teacher professional development, "rainy day" staff augmentation, technology investments, outdoor learning space improvements, student enrichment, and parent workshops:

  • 53% of 2020 Foundation investments were for staff augmentation to ensure our students have access to resources that are not provided by the budget allocated to Travis by HISD

  • We invested $34,000 in technology needs including new laptops and document cameras for our teachers, ensuring that our children’s virtual learning was not impaired by outdated equipment.

  • While the pandemic reduced opportunities for sending teachers and staff to off-campus professional development, we were able to bring Dan St. Romain to our teachers and staff. Dan St. Romain is a national education consultant who provides staff development and consultative services to K-12 educators. He is passionate about helping individuals shift their perspective on behavior, understanding the best ways to provide support given the challenges posed in today's society. He regularly presents on topics impacting school climate, brain-based instruction, developmentally appropriate education practices and presentation skills.

  • Based on grant request submitted by a parent, we helped bring a virtual learning series to our parent community from award-winning author Amy Lang, MA: “Birds & Bees Basics” and “Puberty Prep”.

2019 Investments

In 2019, the Travis Foundation was able to invest more than $90,000 in Travis teacher professional development, "rainy day" staff augmentation, outdoor learning space improvements and student enrichment:

  • 36% of 2019 Foundation investments were applied as "rainy day" support, enabling the school to fill key resource gaps that emerged last spring.

  • We invested $27,000 in student enrichment components: Express Children's Theater Black History Celebration for all grades, "Fenway and Hattie" books for One Book / One School (all students), Da Camera Music Encounters for all grades, classroom books for all grade levels from the Scholastic Book Fair, K'Motion Stools for second grade and the Outdoor Education Center at Camp Olympia for fifth grade.

  • We invested $16,000 in teacher and staff professional development. Most notably, we were once again able to host noted math educator, author and speaker Greg Tang for a Travis-dedicated session in August.

  • We also picked up the pace of investments in our outdoor learning spaces! We did an organic treatment on the field to encourage stronger grass growth, we enlarged the red & blue play area to make room for a swing, and we added tables and benches to the garden areas to encourage outdoor lessons.